BEM - BEST Education Myanmar Learning Center

Welcome to BEST Education Myanmar

Welcome to BEST Education Center - BEM South Dagon Branch, your premier destination for comprehensive language education and career development. We are excited to introduce you to an excellent language-learning experience that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. we're not just teaching languages; we're opening doors to a world of opportunities, connections, and understanding.

Our Classes

We take pride in offering a diverse array of language classes tailored to meet your specific learning goals:

Our Core Values

At BEST Education Center - BEM South Dagon Branch, our core values are the guiding principles that define our commitment to our students:

Connecting Students to Job Agencies

We are dedicated to assisting our students in connecting with reputable job agencies in Myanmar to kick-start their careers.

Support for Japanese Students

: For our Japanese students, we provide comprehensive support throughout their educational journey, including assistance with admissions to language schools or universities and connections to job agencies.

Assistance for Chinese Students:

Chinese students benefit from our guidance in applying for bachelor programs and scholarships in China, empowering them to pursue higher education opportunities.

International Opportunities

Upon successful completion of our programs, we facilitate connections with job agencies in Singapore, offering our students international career prospects.

Flexible Learning Options

Recognizing that every student has unique needs and preferences, we offer flexible learning options to accommodate diverse learning styles:

On-Campus Classes

Experience interactive learning in a vibrant classroom environment at our well-equipped campus.

Support for Japanese Students

Access our courses from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for flexible scheduling and remote learning opportunities. We also offer after-office classes to accommodate working professionals.

Assistance for Chinese Students:

Chinese students benefit from our guidance in applying for bachelor programs and scholarships in China, empowering them to pursue higher education opportunities.

One-to-One Special Classes

Receive personalized attention and tailored instruction with our one-to-one classes, ensuring that your learning experience is optimized for your individual needs.

Our Branches

At BEST Education Center, we are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and rewarding educational experience. Join us today and embark on a journey of language mastery and career success!

BEM South Dagon Branch

BEM - BEST Education Myanmar Learning Center in South Dagon initially started with Japanese language classes and later expanded to include English and Chinese classes. Located near Gate Hound Junction in South Dagon Township, the branch offers a convenient location for students. With a strong focus on language education, the center aims to provide a supportive learning environment.
Address: 119 Myeik Road, 19 Ward, South Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Contact Numbers: +95 9 777 044 939, +95 9 793 040 517
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BEM North Okkalapa Branch

BEM - BEST Education Myanmar North Okkalapa Branch was established in May 2023 and located near North Okkalapa Sein Gay Har. The branch offers a range of language classes and programs to meet the diverse educational needs of students.
Address: No.20, 4th Floor, Khaymar Thi Road, North Okkalapa Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Contact Numbers: 09 755 014 063, 09 797 150 077
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Discover Your Potential with BEM College